What people see when they search for you online, and what other people are saying about you in the press, social media, online forums, profiles, videos and images have a huge influence on how people perceive you. We’re talking about everyone from your professional circle and employers to your family, friends and the communities you live and work in.
Try it yourself, Google your name and see what comes up in the search results. Focus particularly on that first page of results, which is the online equivalent of the front page of a national newspaper – aka your ‘headlines’.
Are you visible? Do you like what you see? Would you hire you? Would you trust you? Does it really reflect who you are now? Or, is the past interfering with your future?

What’s the benefit of personal reputation management?
Online reputation management discovers all of this and more, working to counter, weaken or eliminate negative material online and generate and promote positive material online. From press, social media and profiles to images, videos and content that position you as a thought leader/expert in your field.
Or if you’re like a lot of our other personal reputation clients, we build your personal and professional reputation from scratch. We’re doing this right now for a global thought leader and the team is enjoying seeing a lot of planning and work coming to fruition – but more importantly, so is our delighted client.
A well-managed personal reputation online shows you in the best possible light, so that you benefit from a visible credible profile, higher trust, attract the best and new opportunities and protects you from negative press – reducing the risk of a personal reputation crisis.

Speak with Simon our online reputation management expert, in complete confidence.
Why does personal online reputation management matter?
- Google controls as much as 92% of all search engine traffic.
- Nine out of ten internet users who search for information online do so through Google.
So, what you want people to see when they ‘Google’ you is a search results page filled with links that show you in the best possible light and really reflect who you are and what you do.

Repair Personal Reputation
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What’s the real influence and impact of different search results online to personal reputation?
Negative results are a huge worry for individuals. But highly visible positive search results on page 1, really influence perception, reputation, trust and opportunities, which is why it pays to look after your online reputation.
- Executives say that, on average, 49% of the reputation of their company is attributable to their CEO’s reputation.
Social recruiting is fast growing and virtually all companies are employing social recruiting in one form or another, checking profiles and recruiting via them.
- LinkedIn is the most-used channel for recruitment efforts — with 77% taking advantage.
- 79% of job seekers have used social media in their job search in the last year.
- What’s also worth knowing is that 91% of employers use social media to screen candidates and 57% of employers are less likely to interview you if they can’t find you online.
If employers see something they don’t like it heavily influences their decision-making – 21% of recruiters decide not to hire a candidate based on their social media profiles.
But if you’re looking for a job you also search for companies online.

Take control of your reputation – now
Taking control of what people see when they search for you online enables you to control the narrative. It also protects you from any unwanted or outdated negative content online. How? The positive profiles, content, images and videos make it harder for negatives to rank in the first few pages of Google.
Because our approach to online reputation management is organic and bespoke, rather than automated, our clients’ reputation strategies last as Google’s algorithms change over time.
Contact our experts to find out how we can help you repair, build or maintain a positive online reputation.